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African American Museums Across the Country

 After visiting the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, OH, the National Museum of African American Music in Nashville, TN, and the National Museum of African American History in Culture, I'd like to share some thoughts with you all. I hope that you enjoy! National Underground Railroad Freedom Center One of the most striking exhibitions in the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center was this solemn memorial. It was a dimly lit circular room with a glowing column in the middle. Spirituals played softly in the background. This memorial was dedicated to the lives lost in slavery and the slave trade. I found it to be one of the most moving parts of the museum. Another aspect of the museum that I would recommend visiting is the section on modern slavery. It was appalling to see that slavery still plagues the world in many different ways.   I also noticed this connection to African American Spirituals. This focused on the spirituals' ability to unite and

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